Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Carrot and Cheddar Soup

Carrot and Cheddar Soup - Samantha Style

Easy Peasy.
Recipe makes 4-6 portions.

Butter 25g (low fat spread)
1 small onion - roughly chopped
500g carrots 0 chopped
140g (one medium) potato - chopped
100g grated mature cheddar
Stock Cube - 1 (vegetable)
Water 1.2 litre
150ml milk (soya)

  • Melt the butter over a low heat and add the onion, carrot and potato.
  • Fry gently for 10 minutes until onion is soft.
  • Add the stock and bring to the boil.
  • Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes until vegetables are soft
  • Blend until smooth
  • Add the cheese and blend again
  • Add the milk and reheat gently
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.

I am very particular about my pepper. I say crush mixed peppercorns.
In my opinion every soup should be served with french crusty buttered bread.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

French Onion Soup - Samantha Style

It is not often i spend time researching recipes and editing them to suit my diet, making them my own. It is something i have decided to do more of, because it was fun. So you may see a few more posts like this one.

French Onion Soup - Samantha Style

It is so simple to make and went down very well on all who ate it.
Recipe makes 4 portions.

Olive Oil - tblsp
Butter - tbslp (low fat spread)
Stock Cube - 1 (vegetable)
Water - 1 1/2 pints. + 120 ml
Cognac - tblsp
Garlic clove - 2
Thyme (fresh or dry)
Onions - 4

  • Chop the onions.
  • Place the oil and butter in a frying pan. Once melted and up to a reasonable heat add the onions.
  • Cook the onion on a medium heat until light brown. Moving them around the pan so they colour evenly for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Meanwhile add the water and stock cube to a sauce pan. Add the Garlic and Thyme and bring to the boil.
  • Add the cognac to the onions in the frying pan and turn up the heat for a couple of minutes, scraping at the pan.
  • Add the onion mixture to the sauce pan and leave to cook for 30 mins on a simmering heat.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.

I am very particular about my pepper. I say crush mixed peppercorns.
I blitzed my soup, not so it was completely smooth but to get a nice blend.
In my opinion every soup should be served with french crusty buttered bread.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Question and Answers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Elizabeth Wurtzel on depression

When i was a child; just into my teens, I discovered the book Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel. I related to her even back then and that was in my innocence, however disordered I was. I felt a sense of relief in her sufference, because my life, as a child, wasn't so complicated. But now i get that is childhood, and that is innocence. As an adult I am going to re read the book. On reading quotes from the book I feel that she can put into words what disables me.

"If only my life could be more like the movies. I want an angel to swoop down to me like he does to Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life" and talk me out of suicide. I've always waited for that one moment of truth to set me free and change my life forever. but he won't come. it doesn't happen that way. "

"Hemingway has his classic moment in "The Sun Also Rises" when someone asks Mike Campbell how he went bankrupt. All he can say is, "Gradually, then suddenly." That's how depression hits. You wake up one morning, afraid that you're gonna live. "

“I start to feel like I can’t maintain the facade any longer, that I may just start to show through. And I wish I knew what was wrong. Maybe something about how stupid my whole life is. I don’t know. Why does the rest of the world put up with the hypocrisy, the need to put a happy face on sorrow, the need to keep on keeping on?... I don’t know the answer, I know only that I can’t. I don't want any more vicissitudes, I don't want any more of this try, try again stuff. I just want out. I’ve had it. I am so tired. I am twenty and I am already exhausted.”

“That's the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it's impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.”

"Insanity is knowing that what you're doing is completely idiotic, but still, somehow, you just can't stop it."

“I feel like a defective model, like I came off the assembly line flat-out fucked and my parents should have taken me back for repairs before the warranty ran out.”

“it's the people you are close to, the ones who love you, the ones who have seen your heart, who have touched your soul- to them, it is obvious that something is wrong or missing. your heart and soul are missing. they feel it. it hurts them. it kills them.”

“I start to think there really is no cure for depression, that happiness is an ongoing battle, and I wonder if it isn't one I'll have to fight for as long as I live. I wonder if it's worth it.”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Being a vegetarian for over 15 years i have embraced Linda McCartney,
Quorn and many other meat free food products that i find on offer to me in most good big chain supermarkets. Being a fussy vegetarian i have still found myself somewhat limited with the range. I will not drink milk, and Soya or Rice milk have been easy to find, no problems there. But if your branching into veganism, these shops offer very little. In most a block of Tofu would be all there is. I don't claim to be a strict vegan but i eat very little dairy. I am on a mission to find substitutes for every product i love to see if i can make the transition easier.

I have always found it a strange fact that human beings are the only animals which consume milk after infancy; and the milk of another species at that. I can't see how this can be neither natural nor healthy.
It isn't natural in it's content and this is not what is sold to the consumer. Cow’s milk is loaded with 35 different hormones and 11 growth factors and there is considerable concern about its oestrogen and IGF1 (insulin-like growth factor) content. Cows are now milked seven months into their nine month pregnancy, which means that hormone levels are markedly high. Early evidence suggests that increased exposure to cow’s oestrogen and IGF1 raises the risk of certain cancers (particularly breast and prostate).

Cow’s milk is largely made up of animal fats, animal protein and lactose. None of these components are required by the human body. Difficulty in digesting lactose is extremely common right across the world. A staggering 75 per cent of the population worldwide is thought to be lactose intolerant. Most people can tolerate small quantities but research has been undertaken regarding its possible connection with ovarian problems and cataracts. Often the inability to digest cow’s milk goes unnoticed, particularly in children, and can lead to iron deficiency because of the intestinal bleeding it can cause. A fact that has always stuck with me, probably down to the fact of the degree it disturbed me is that The EU allows up to 400 million pus cells in each litre of milk sold in the UK.

The American Dietetic Association has declared that a vegan diet can provide all the nutrition that human beings need from cradle to grave.
Veganism is infinitely closer to the diet human beings evolved to thrive on than a normal, animal fat-soaked western diet and the health benefits of a well-balanced vegan diet reflect that. The vegan diet though, isn't automatically a healthy one and i won't sell that here. A vegan could consume fried chips alone, be overweight and lacking nutrients. The diet like any requires common sense and some health awareness.

I have always been envious on trips across the pond, that the Americans, at least in the states i have visited; LA, NY, and Boston particularly cater much better for vegans and vegetarians alike. Many specific dietary requirements seem to be covered and catered for. I don't know if this is because i live in a small city in the North East of England rather than London which may in fact offer me everything the same or better than the States but i feel that a vegetarian option of lasagna or veggie burger isn't really good enough and by no means strikingly healthy. Many menu's over there offer calorie content and breakdowns of meal options. To me, a person who tracks her food intake, and needs to, that is a necessity and to have it there to aid making a food choice is just brilliant. I miss the breakfasts in LA where more would be on offer than a full English fried breakfast or toast and preserves. I want choice. I know that if i moved to LA, which is my life's dream, i would adopt a vegan diet, because the want of doing has always been in the forefront of my mind and there it would be much easier. I would just live at California Vegan and similar restaurants.

I have come across a website, based in the UK but also selling products from overseas that offers a choice. And a wide range. So at least this can be achieved within the home. I got so excited at the choice and the options and possibilities this would bring to my diet i placed an order amounting to £60.

Now i was
dubious about many of the products i ordered and i haven't tried yet everything. But i wanted to review some products i have tried for you and link you to the site.

I ordered a selection of dairy free cheese; hard and soft aswell as cheese sauce and multiple meats. The hard cheeses i ordered ready sliced because i don't know how well they would grate. These are only a small fraction of the products i purchased so expect more reviews to come

Tofutti Vegan 'Cheese Slices' - Cheddar Style. Tested this out the best way possible in my opinion. Cheese on toast. It melted as i would expect regular cheddar to melt however it didn't brown at all, it just continued to bubble away. The result was cheese on toast that tasted like the cheese on toast i was used to. Impressed with this it will be a food swap for me. You would think then that Tofutti Vegan 'Cheese Slices' - Mozzarella Style would be a safe bet. I put these in a cheese toastie with some other products and the result was almost disgusting. The cheese went the consistency of mashed potato and lacked pretty much any flavour.

Tofutti Creamy Smooth Vegan 'Cream Cheese' - French Onion Style. I have had this a couple of times now on Ryvita with cucumber, chillis, sunblushed tomatos and garlic sausage. It is a nice product. Cream cheese, like yoghurt, has always grossed me out so i can't really say how similar it is to the real thing. But the flavour was good and it did it's job. I'm going to have it for lunch today in a jacket potato.

Redwood Cheetin' Garlic Sausage Slices. It has been so long since i have ate meat i don't know what this is like compared to a meat product of the same kind. But the thing that is striking with this is the flavour, intense and yummy. I asked my father, who eats meat and garlic sausage to try it, he said the flavour was almost spot on, it just didn't have the 'right' consistancy. Tasted good to me.

Redwood Vegetarian and Vegan Bacon Style Rashers. I had this as a part of breakfast with mushrooms, beans and toast. Love the product. When i was cooking it i wasn't too sure how it would be. It didn't look 'perfect' but was pleased they missed out the stupid 'fat' rim that other companies seem to have to put on there. It tasted nice. And it was chewy. Now i liked this. Other vegetarian bacon i had tried wasn't chewy. I don't know if it makes it more 'realistic' or what. But it has won me over.

Redwood Organic Vegan Merguez Sausages. I have never particularly been a fan of vegetarian sausages. Never really fussed on the texture and the flavour, (other than hot dog sausages) bland. But these were beautiful. I had them in fajitas and also in a toasted sandwich. Good flavour. Good texture. Nom Nom.

Zest Vegan Pesto Sauce. This product was okay, it was by no means great. Not like real pesto. The flavour was very subtle in comparison and the texture slightly different. This product is a compromise rather than a replacer.

Free & Easy Dairy Free Cheese Sauce. I used this when cooking a trio of vegetables, cauliflower, leek and white cabbage. It looked like wall paper paste but tasted fine. My mum cooked the same but with a classic none vegan cheese sauce and hers looked much better. I made it up with water though and 3 spoons not 4, and aparently if made with soy milk it makes it creamer. I’m yet to use this in a lasagne and I intend to so I will update you once I have tried that.

FTC Disclaimer: I purchased everything with my own money and am not affiliated with any of the companies; all opinions are my own.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Food For Thought

Human - sympathetic; humane: a warmly human understanding.

Humane - marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering; showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement.

In the UK alone, 850 million animals and hundreds of millions of fish are killed every year to put meat on tables. That works out to be more than three million animals a day. It is though, not as simple as life and death. Before they are slaughtered, hundreds of millions lead desolate, disease-ridden lives on factory farms and suffer miserably.

In the animal kingdom pigs are rated 4th in overall intelligence, behind chimps, dolphins and elephants. Pigs are mucg cleaner and even smarter than dogs. 75 per cent of all piglets have their teeth crushed and tails cut off without anaesthetics. Many millions are conscious when their throats are cut. Same goes for calves and lambs.There is evidence to suggest that they understand before slaughter what is going to happen to them as they show visable distress on hearing their fellow species cries of pain. 20 per cent of lambs however don't actually make it to slaughter and die from cold, disease and starvation.

Not forgetting our feathered friends; four-fifths of broiler chickens (killed for meat) have broken bones and deformed feet, legs and other bone deformities. Up to one fifth of chickens may be fully conscious when they enter the scalding tank to loosen their feathers. Most ducks are gactory farmed in crowded sheds. They never see daylight. They never get the chance to swim in water.

Turning vegetarian means you’re no longer a part of that cycle of death or the intollerable cruelty associated. The dairy industry too however is unforgivable in the suffering caused.

Cattle reared for milk production are exploited and made to suffer, just like animals reared for meat. They suffer from lameness, mastitis (inflammation of the udders) and other illnesses. They are forcibly separated from their calves just days after they are born so that humans can drink their milk.
Cows are not some kind of special animal that produces milk automatically: just like every other animal, including us, they only produce milk to nurse their young. Male dairy calves, meanwhile, are useless to the dairy industry and are usually shot at birth. 24 percent of dairy cows are prenant when slaughtered; many nearing full term.

Egg-laying hens may be crammed into battery cages; five to a cage in a space no bigger than a microwave oven. 80 per cent of all eggs come from battery hens. The alternative being disgusting, disease ridden percheries. They are forced to produce twenty times the number of eggs as are natural to them. Even free range and organic layers, although improved in a way, face disease and parasites and are slaughtered for cheap meat as soon as their productivity falls below the level that the egg business will accept. Male chicks are as useless to the industry as male dairy calves and all are killed. This includes those on free-range and organic systems.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Saturday, February 06, 2010

A quick guide to S/S 2010 New York, London, Milan, Paris


My favourite show from all that New York had to offer was without a doubt, Phillip Lim. His collection was beautiful, pretty but with attitude coming through in perfect measure from the structure he has created in certain pieces. The colour was favourable and without a doubt wearable for any occasion.

Calvin Kleins’ collection of featherlight fabrics in neutral colours gave an organic feel and oozed romance in its’ simplicity.

No suprises with Donna Karan. Her collection was so graceful. I could picture Keira Knightly in many of the pieces. The clothes looked weightless and delicate, and as though they could have slipped off the model at any moment, sexy in its simplicity bringing a feminine aura to the whole collection. The colours used look designed to make you glow. There was one evening dress in particular which stood out to me as being a piece of pure art. I am very impressed with this collection.

No suprises either with Ralph Lauren. But in this instance not a positive. The collection is best summed up as dungaree ugly. If I was to cast a movie rendition of The Grapes of Wrath they would be in Ralph Lauren S/S 2010. Quite simply, depressing. Ugly denim paired with denim print materials. No no no no.

I have issues with the Proenza Schouler collection. I can’t say I approve of tie-dye on the catwalk. Nor can I approve of people wearing tie-dye for indeed any occasion. I would like to think that is just me personal pet hate and could be forgiven but my issues with the clothes didn’t end there. The colours were ghastly. One piece stood out that I approved of; that was funnily enough unlike to the rest of the collection and far to simple to hate. Pretty much a blue jean/trouser white long sleeved t-shirt combo.

NYC makeup and grooming had a natural feel I adore and long for. Clear natural complexions were the foundation for many a designer. Eyebrows to envy from proenza schouler and Phillip Lim emphasised with perfected natural eye makeup.

Derek Lam makeup artist Tom Pecheux went for something a bit different with colourful and playful, fun eye makeup that worked perfectly with pastel shades. Definitely something to experiment with, outfit permitting.


London seemed to have a theme to me that other cities lacked. And that theme was one of, errr, adolescence?

Burberry Prorsum gave us playful girly colours and ensembles that wouldn’t look out of place on the clueless set. Matched unavoidably by classic burberry neutrals. All similar in their thigh skimming length and style that cannot be argued with based on the classic trench coat. Skirts of twisted chiffon impressed me and gave what was quite a playful young collection a more classic grown up feel.

Peter Pilotto’s collection stood out due to the incredible shape and structure to the pieces. There were a few that reminded me of lightweight shirts that had been made into dresses with a thin belted wait. Most pieces were wait hugging and probably unforgiving to most. These styles said sexy to me though. Borderline tom boy chic.

Holly Fulton was a spectical. Her pieces although of incredible shape were in no way figure hugging. Her energetic pieces of robotic like futuristic prints of architetcture in bold colours. Once piece in particular that I adored was a white dress with black outlines baby blue simple building outlines that remind me of many a 80’s computer game. This definitely has a retro essence and to me screams ‘scene’.

Paul Smith hit us with Africa Tribal meets prep school. Pattern and prints. Energetic bold colours, tweed jackets, waistcoats and preppy blazers.

Christopher Kane should repent for his sins. Gingham dresses that wouldn’t look out of place on some eurotrash skanks. No no no.

I’m taking inspiration from Meadham Kirchoff, take last seasons brogues and lase with ribbon, tied in a bow adding a feminine novel element to a masculine trend that is lasting through seasons.


Versace gave us Barbie perfection so very Donatella. Gorgeous structured dresses paired with preppy 2 pieces either thigh skimming or with slits revealing the leg. Bouncy natural look hair screamed pretty perfection. Very good.

Prada has a holiday theme with pieces resembling swimwear from through the ages. Beach scene prints and 1950s style shorts and dresses.

Fendi neutrals contrast with black pieces in the collection. Delicate yet fierce with some definite red carpet options in the collection.

I adored the natural, organic fabrics that Jil Sander revealed to us. I loved the desert orgy scenes from cult film zabriskie that she had looped on screens. Brilliant.

Dolce & Gabbana sported lady gaga style 50’s big briefs. Not the only label to take influence from the performer, I found Gaga inspired pieces in Alexander Wangs NYC show. I would go so far to say that I hate where Dolce & Gabbana have gone with this collection. Couture meets crass white trash. Bra showing to the point of bra straps under strapless dresses. Momma taught me not to dress like a whore when I was a young lady. I only hope the rest ignore this fashion no no.


Chanel, as always gave us quality. Many a fantastic classic black mini won my heart, I wish the same could be said for Lily Allen rising out of the floor to perform.

Lets face it Lily Allen has about as much class as the characters from channel 4’s shameless. And I do have to question if they would they have had her still fat?

Dior S/S 2010 gave us burlesque Barbie, a lingerai inspired collection. The collection did sport pieces that would look at home on dita von tease. There were a handful of nice structured pieces including a trouser suit a casual jacket and skirt look and a cocktail dress. However the majority was risky, not all that classy and borderline gothic.

Chloe’s collection reminded me of a Safari; not in a good way. …Safari chic? No, it doesn’t exist. The majority heavy material and dull colours. She did have on offer however some beautiful chiffon dresses in soft shades of oatmeal.

I have struggled finding words for Stella Mccartney, and so I will hold onto what must be one of the most overused words in the fashion industry but not might I say, by myself. Chic. Simple yet perfectly tailored.

Key pieces

Distressed denim. Think jeans and don’t get too carried away. We’re not aiming for Ralph Lauren farm hand. Trenchcoat as seen in dior, always a classic that can be played with. Slouchy shorts that appeared in many a collection but perfected, in my opinion by Phillip lim (3.1)

Rodarte’s – African Tribal meets gothic, quite Edward Scissorhands
Erdem - Girly lace structured coat dress. Could have been a pair of curtains Laura Ashley would be proud of but transformed into an amazing piece by Erdem Moralioglu

Gucci - Amazing retro structured shoulders
Lanvin - Statement necklaces. Incredible colours
Givency by roccardo tisci - Fantastic shapes ruined by ugly prints. Cone head hats. What and why?

It may be a coincidence that on thinking of my top models, they have appeared in my favourite campaigns, but here they are, in no particular order.

Top 5 models
Abbey Lee Kershaw - Gucci, Stella Mccartney.
Karlie Kloss – Chloe, Stella Mccartney
Freja Beha Erichsen - Chloe, Chanel
Edita V – Versace, Valentine
Ginta Lapina - miu miu, Valentine

Copyright to all who need it

Monday, January 04, 2010

Flying the nest.

The prospect of leaving home, of moving out; it makes my heart heavy. My brain however knows it is something that has to be done for my sanitys sake and for the sake of my soul and indeed my heart itself.

The idea of this possibly being the last time I ever live with my parents is not so much frightening as it is tragic. The people I've been so close to in proximity if not always in heart for the past 23 years have pushed me away without I think even realising it. Their weapons of abuse and psychological mind games. Some would argue it has been intentional but I cannot believe that. If I did I would never have peace.

The idea of finishing this chapter of what may likely be a third of my life under such circumstances, I resent. Perhaps that is natural. Afterall, everybody leaves home at some point. But my parents were often my everything. Growing up an only child they became my friends aswell as family.

I have no doubt that it is infact me, my sensetivity that causes the problems I have with my family or indeed the extent of them. If I could just ignore their comments or switch off to their arguing and the atmosphere, my life there would be great. I have always been spoilt and I know my parents love me. But in recent years with my mental decline I just can't handle it anymore. Nor should I, as I have realised of late, had to. Nor do I need to. And so I leave. And so I fly the nest.

I embrace the independence, I have always saught out let alone thrived on fending for myself and adventure. From moving abroad to travelling Europe and America solo. It gave me a buzz not fear.

But where is my buzz now. Where is my joy? Is it my depression numbing me, or is something not quite right? I like the idea of moving out with a friend before ever living with a partner. I didn't move away for university. I didn't get the sisterhood I experienced through friends university life or indeed siblings. So for me it is okay that i cannot afford to live on my own right now. I want to leave home; not be alone.

I have chosen my perfectly pretty furniture and art. Conciously or subconcioaly, completely different from what i chose for my parents home. White and natural, clean and simple is replacing the french, bold, black and gothic. I have spent a small forture so that the materialistic things can provide me with the comfort i have lost from family. For material things can give me pleasure. Knowing this i indulge far too often for my means.

Things are changing. I am trying to change.